A Call for Big Ideas

With a rapid turnaround of one month this short animation is an impressive feat from our volunteers.

This short animation and accompanying images were designed to launch a long-term funding project from the J R McKenzie Trust. The Peter McKenzie Project aims to fund long-term solutions to reduce child poverty in Aotearoa.

The team, the client and our voice over artist all really enjoyed being part of this amazing project. It was inspiring to be there at the start of something big. "The highlight of the experience for me was when I sent the first unedited cut of the voiceover to the client. They said it gave them goosebumps and that, four and half years into planning this project, this was the moment it felt real." – Helen Brasting, Director.

"We loved working with Film for Change Aotearoa. Their work was creative, clever and very professional and they were a pleasure to work with."
- Peter McKenzie Project Team


Helen Brasting (Director, Producer)
Mauricio Barra (Motion graphics)
Jason Phillips (Voiceover)
Elizabeth Medina (Sound edit)
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